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New Faces in Naples: Ms. Sarah Williams

Dear Naples School Community:
After extensively studying student performance, the researcher and policy expert Eric Hanushek found that “the difference between being taught by a highly capable and a less than capable teacher can translate into a full grade level of achievement in a single school year.” Fortunately for us, the Naples Central School District has always been home to an incredible group of educators.

As we prepare for the start of the 2019-2020 school year, I wanted to introduce many of the new faces you will see in our buildings by passing along information through our website and social media accounts. We are thrilled that Ms. Sarah Williams will be joining our school family, and I would invite you to help us welcome her to Naples this fall.

Hope to see you soon.

Matt Frahm, Superintendent
Name: Ms. Sarah Williams
Subject Area: Long-Term Instrumental Music Substitute
Why did you decide to apply/accept the job in the Naples Central School District?

I have a strong passion for teaching students of all ages, so I was thrilled to accept a job where I got to work with the foundation of our musical world—beginners!

What do you like the most about your job?

I love getting to share my love of music and teaching students how to make art through our universal language of music. We get to bring people together everywhere, each day, just by being in band or music class. How cool is that?

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love to hit the driving range and practice my golf swing! My dad and I have been playing since I was a little girl. If I can’t get out to the course, I love to watch golf tournaments on TV! Back home, I also loved to ride horses, and I hope to get back to it soon!

 What types of books/magazines would we see on your bookshelf?

You would find a ton of music, and goodies like Jurassic Park, Harry Potter, and the Phantom Stallion series.

What is your favorite quote?

A tie between these: “You will never know the true extent of your influence.”  “The best moments of your life often occur outside of your comfort zone.”

What is your favorite food?

Cheese enchiladas with rice and beans from back home. YUM!

Tell us a little about your family.

My little family and I live in Rochester. My fiancé and I love to explore the city when he’s not too busy with grad school. We have three furry family members: two cats, Abbi and Tommy, and a Chihuahua, Gracie. Together we enjoy our time playing, cuddling, and going on walks! (yes, even the cats!)

If you were to leave a legacy here in Naples-what would it be?  

I hope that my legacy would be that when you walk into Ms. Williams’s music or band room, that you got to leave the rest of the world behind and just have fun making music.

Any additional information you would like to share:

Even though I’m living in Rochester and working in Naples, I am actually not from here. You’ll hear the accent straight away when you meet me, but I’m from San Antonio, Texas. I was born and raised in the Lone Star State, and I do miss it a ton. I am enjoying my time in New York, especially getting to see snow for the first time!  