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Parent Preference Survey Reminder

Dear NCS Parents:

Last week, I shared a link to our reopening plan and our hopes of providing both a 100% in-person learning option, as well as a 100% remote learning option, for families this fall. However, I also indicated that in order to ensure safe and productive classroom spaces, we would need to know parent preferences as quickly as possible.

Over the past week, more than 60% of parents have responded to the survey. However, it is critical that we have accurate information from 100% of our families by the end of the day tomorrow. If you have not yet had a chance to share your preferences on reopening, I would ask that you fill out a separate form for each of your children by clicking here. If we have not heard from folks by Monday, we will begin reaching out by phone so that we can make a final determination about our September learning model by the end of next week.

Most importantly, I wanted to say thanks for all the support and input families have provided in recent days. I know that has not been the case in all districts, and it is another reminder of how lucky we are to be part of this school community.

Hoping this finds you safe, healthy, and well.

