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Dear NCS Families, Faculty, and Staff:

Earlier this evening, the Naples Central School District was notified by the Ontario County Department of Health (DOH) that a High School student had tested positive for COVID-19. The student was last in school on Monday, November 23, and the student is currently in isolation in alignment with DOH guidelines.

Because the student did not attend classes at NCS or participate in any athletic or extracurricular activities during their infectious period, we will continue with our normal school schedule and operations at this point in time.

As we turn our calendars from November to December, I would ask that everyone maintain a focus on mask wearing, social distancing, and regular hand hygiene. We have had a remarkably healthy start to the school year, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that continues by prioritizing all appropriate safety protocols.

As always, please do not hesitate to call or email (585-374-7901, if you have any questions or concerns. While privacy guidelines will understandably prevent me from sharing identifying information, I would be happy to talk about any of the precautions or procedures we have put in place throughout the reopening process.


Matt Frahm
Superintendent of Schools
