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Weather Related School Cancellations and Closings

Dear NCS Families and Staff:

As temperatures drop and snow begins to fly, I have had a number of people reach out with questions related to winter weather. Because there may be times in the coming months when we need to cancel or delay school because of unsafe road conditions, I wanted to pass along the following information.

How do you decide whether to cancel or delay school?

Closing school is one of the most difficult decisions districts have to make. While we want our students in school each day, the reality is that we live in upstate New York and the weather can change very quickly. Decisions to cancel or delay school are made very carefully, and only after consulting weather resources, local highway superintendents, our transportation supervisor, and area school administrators.

How will I know if there is a weather related cancellation or delay?

In the event of a closing or a cancellation, the District will send out a Connect-Ed Parent Notification on our phone system, and we will post information on the school homepage as well as on our Facebook and Twitter accounts. In addition, the information will also be communicated via Rochester TV and radio stations (R News, Channels 8, 10, and 13).

Will snow days be replaced with remote learning at NCS?

You may have seen that certain schools around the country have abandoned or rethought traditional snow days because of advances in online learning. However, at this point in time, NCS will not be asking students or staff members to engage in remote learning if school is cancelled due to weather. Instead, we would encourage individuals to spend a quiet day playing in the snow, reading a good book, or watching a favorite movie.

Hoping this finds you safe, healthy, and well.

