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December 29 Parent Communication

NCS Families, Faculty, and Staff:

I hope this finds you all relaxing and enjoying time with family over Holiday Break. As we prepare to turn our calendars from 2020 to 2021, I wanted to reach out with a handful of updates. As always, however, please do not hesitate to call or email (585-374-7901, if you have questions or if something is unclear.

Calendar Changes:

This fall, we made several modifications to our school calendar to meet the planning and professional development needs that come with hybrid learning. Moving forward, we will be making a couple of additional adjustments that have been listed below. Please know that we will try to limit changes moving forward, but that we wanted to give people as much advance notice as possible in case of child care needs.
  • January 22—Asynchronous Learning Day (students will learn independently from home)
  • March 12—Teacher Conference Day (no school for students)
  • April 16—Asynchronous Learning Day (students will learn independently from home)
  • May 7—Asynchronous Learning Day (students will learn independently from home)
Free After-School Snacks for Students Participating in Activities:

Thanks to a support of the National School Lunch Program, NCS will begin offering free after-school snacks to interested students when we return from Holiday Break. As long as learners are staying after school for a club, an athletic practice, or to meet with a teacher, they will be able to pick up a free snack put together by our Food Service Department.

Winter Sports Update:

Due to the careful planning of our Athletic Director (Mr. Greg Parzych) and our coaches, we have had a safe start to our swimming and ski seasons. However, like all schools around New York State, we continue to wait for additional guidance related to “high risk sports” such as basketball. We will pass along detail as soon as it become available, and appreciate the patience our parents and athletes have shown over the past few months.

Safety Reminders:

Because of your diligence, we have set the standard for keeping a school community safe and healthy so far this year. However, our continued success is only possible with your help. As we prepare to return from Holiday Break, we ask that you remind your child about the importance of:
  • Wearing a clean mask that covers their nose as well as their mouth
  • Avoiding large gatherings and honoring social distancing whenever possible
  • Staying home and seeing their doctor if they feeling under the weather
  • Washing their hands or using hand sanitizer regularly each day
When commenting on the start of a New Year, the philosopher (and country music star!) Brad Paisley once remarked, “Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.” That seems like the perfect sentiment to start 2021, and we here in the Naples Central School District look forward to writing the next chapter in our journey together.  

Wishing you continued good health and happiness in the New Year.

