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February 21 Parent Update

Dear NCS Families,
As February Break comes to a close, I wanted to pass along a handful of updates. However, if you have any questions or concerns, please to not hesitate to reach out (, 585-374-7901) when you have a minute.
Winter Sports:
First and foremost, let me congratulate Coach Birdsall and our Varsity Girls Ski Team on their recent Class B Sectional Championship! Honors like this only happen when talent meets hard work, and their accomplishment was detailed in a really nice article put together by the Daily Messenger (click here).
Although COVID-19 restrictions still prevent most spectators from attending sporting events, thanks to Mr. Pursell (NCS Technology Department), individuals can watch streamed basketball games this winter. To cheer on the Big Green virtually, please click here for information on schedules and video links.
Student Drop-Off/Pick-Up:
As you know, student drop-off and pick-up can prevent daily driving challenges for parents on Academy Street. During a regular year, the issues typically become more difficult as snowbanks grow over the winter months. Because we have more parents transporting their children than ever this year due to COVID-19, I am asking that folks honor the following practices to help keep everyone safe:
  • High School Parents: Please pull up as far as possible in the Bus Loop to limit the number of cars that have to back up onto Academy Street
  • Elementary School Parents: Please time your arrival so that you do not have to sit for long periods on Academy Street, and pull over to the side of the road as far as possible so that other vehicles can safely pass
Evalumetrics Youth Survey:
Because resources are more precious than ever right now, many area schools will be administering the Evalumetrics Youth Survey to better understand the risk and protective factors surrounding K-12 students. The survey is research based, anonymous, and voluntary, and we will be asking our learners in grades 6, 8, 10, and 12 to participate during the first week in March. If you would like additional information on the opportunity, please click this link.
COVID-19 Safety Update:
As COVID-19 positivity rates have been declining in the region, it has been close to a month since the Department of Health has contacted us with any new student or staff cases. (Click here for NCS COVID-19 Tracker.) This is really good news, and it makes me remember the line, “If you see a turtle sitting on top of a fencepost, it didn’t get there by accident.” The fact that we have had close to 100 safe days of school is 100% due to the fact that our school community has been diligent about masking, distancing, hand washing, and disinfecting. In the weeks ahead, we ask that everyone continue practicing daily safety measures, and do everything they can to care for our school family.
Keep wearing a face covering, remember to fill out your Operoo health check tomorrow morning, and keep your child home if they are not feeling well. We cannot wait to see your sons and daughters for class, and we thank you for your continued partnership.
Have a great start to the week.
