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2023 Budget Vote Results

I am pleased to share with you that the 2023-34 NCS school budget passed by a margin of 197-50.  We are deeply appreciative of the support the NCS community has and continues to provide our district.

In addition, the EV Bus Proposition passed by a margin of 186-61. This will allow NCS to complete needed infrastructure which will allow us to move forth with our EV federal grant which was awarded last year.

Rob Brautigam, Jacob Hall, and Kelley Louthan were all re-elected to the NCS school
board.  We are very grateful for the continued leadership that Joe, Jake, and Kelley will provide our district.  

The Naples Library budget passed by a margin of 197-49.  Linda Strauss-Jones and Pamela Steffen were elected to Naples Library Board seats. 

Many thanks to everyone who participated in this year's budget vote process.

Kevin Swartz
NCS Superintendent