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NCS Proposes Capital Improvement Project

Dear Members of the Naples School Community:

Our school facilities serve as a source of pride as well as a significant investment by our local community. In order to protect our investment and make sure that our students have safe and appropriate learning spaces, our Board of Education has been exploring the possibility of a capital improvement project for just over a year.

During that time, our Facilities Committee has done a line-by-line review of our required Building Condition Survey (BCS), and in the process, identified the most pressing needs of our District. In addition, our Board of Education has also committed to saving for capital improvements through Capital Reserve Funds.

At its February 15, 2017 meeting, the Board of Education reviewed a $7,725,000 project proposal that would include the following:
  • New bus loop and parking lot at the Elementary School
  • New secure main entrance at the Elementary School
  • New bus garage
* Click HERE for a copy of the February 15, 2017 presentation

There would be no tax impact or tax increase resulting from the proposed project, and our Board of Education has identified May 16, 2017 as a target vote date for members of our community.

In the coming weeks, we will be providing residents with opportunities to learn more about the needs of our facilities and the details associated with the recommended capital improvement project. Throughout the process, we will commit to communicating important information on a regular basis, and to answering any questions that stakeholders might have.

As always, thank you for supporting quality public education here in Naples, and please do not hesitate to call (585-374-7901) or email ( with any questions or concerns.


Matt Frahm, Superintendent