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Statement from NCS Regarding School Taxes

Dear Members of the Naples School Community:

As you may know, earlier today a resident of our school district, Mr. Tom Golisano, issued a public news release outlining why he would be holding back his tax payment this fall. The Naples Central School District fully appreciates Mr. Golisano’s concern, and is hopeful that he and the Town of South Bristol can find a remedy to the situation.

However, we also know that public education offers students across the country the skills and opportunities they need in order to become thoughtful and productive citizens in their local communities. We deeply appreciate the financial support that all taxpayers provide in our school district, and we know that we would not be able to meet the unique learning needs of each child without their collective commitment to learning.
For anyone with questions regarding their Naples Central School District tax bill, I would invite them to visit our website (click HERE) for helpful information. In addition, individuals interested in learning more about Real Property Tax Law 1330 can do so by clicking HERE. As noted in this section of tax law, unpaid taxes become the responsibility of the county to collect after our collection period ends.


Matt Frahm, Superintendent