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Weather Related Information

Dear NCS Parents and Guardians:

As temperatures continue to drop, our school offices have already begun receiving phone calls from parents inquiring about a possible school closure. Because closing school is one of the most difficult decisions districts have to make, I wanted to share some additional information regarding extreme temperatures and winter weather.

When is it too cold for school?

As New Yorkers, we know all too well that winter temperatures may drop to below zero on a fairly regular basis. However, experts in the health field have established -25 degrees (25 degrees below zero) as the benchmark used for closing schools due to temperature and wind chill.

How will I know if school is cancelled or delayed?

As soon as a decision is made to close or delay school, the District will send out a Connect-Ed Parent Notification on the phone system, and information will be posted on the school homepage and Twitter account. In addition, the information will also be communicated via Rochester TV stations (R News, Channels 8, 10, and 13) as well as local radio stations.

How is the decision made to close or delay school?

While we want our students in school and ready to learn each day, we would never want to put a child in a position that threatens his or her health or well-being. Whenever considering a school closure or delay, the decision is ultimately made by the school superintendent after consulting weather resources, local highway superintendents, the transportation supervisor, and area school administrators. However, the large size of the Naples Central School District (118 square miles) and the reality that winter weather can change very quickly means that there will be times when not everyone has the same opinion regarding whether or not school should be cancelled or delayed.

Where can I find more information regarding winter weather and extreme temperatures?

A great resource titled, “Winter Safety Tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics” can be found by clicking HERE, and a “Wind Chill Chart” from the National Weather Service can be found HERE.

While I can promise you that no decision to cancel or delay school will be made without a great deal of time and thought, oftentimes no perfect decisions exist with regard to the weather. Please know that as a parent or guardian, you ultimately have the authority to determine whether or not you feel it is safe for your child to attend school. Please use your best judgement this coming winter, and make sure your son or daughter is warmly dressed in the chilly days we have coming our way.

My best,

Matt Frahm, Superintendent