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District News

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High School Students Recognized for Academic Excellence High School Students Recognized for Academic Excellence The College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Program offers several AP Scholar Awards to recognize high school students who have demonstrated college-level achievement through AP courses and exams. This achievement is acknowledged on any score report that is sent to colleges. The following Naples High School students have been named AP Scholars by the College Board: AP Scholars – These students have received an average grade of at least 3 or greater on three or more AP Exams: Matthew Barkley Mitchell Bay Adrianna Clearman Heather Faber Cameron Hotchkiss Avril King Skyler Matthews Amei Polimeni AP Scholars with Honor – These students have received an average grade of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and grades of 3 ...
Colleen Betrus and Priscilla Crawford Recognized for Excellence Colleen Betrus and Priscilla Crawford Recognized for Excellence This past Thursday, Senator Funke (55 th District) recognized 32 outstanding educators for their dedication and contributions at a ceremony in the City of Rochester. Mrs. Colleen Betrus (High School Librarian) and Mrs. Priscilla Crawford (Elementary School Classroom Teacher, Retired) were nominated and selected for recognition by their peers, and they attended the special event at the Rochester Teachers Association headquarters with the President of the Naples Teachers Association (NTA), Mr. Scott Petrie. Naples is blessed with a world-class faculty and staff, and we all extend a special congratulations to Mrs. Betrus and Mrs. Crawford on this well-deserved honor! Please click HERE for additional information. 
Senior Named National Merit Semifinalist Senior Named National Merit Semifinalist Congratulations to Emmett Felton on being named a National Merit Scholarship semifinalist! According to Buffalo Business First , Emmett is one of only 93 students in the greater Rochester and greater Buffalo areas to be recognized for this achievement. All of the semifinalists scored in the top 1% of individuals who took the PSAT this past year, and they will each have the chance to continue in the process towards becoming National Merit Finalists. Please click HERE for more information on the recognition. Congratulations Emmett—you make us proud!
BOE Thanks Senator Funke for Bullet Aid BOE Thanks Senator Funke for Bullet Aid Click HERE to read a letter to Senator Funke from the NCS Board of Education regarding his advocacy on behalf of the District. 
Happy New (School) Year! Happy New (School) Year! Happy New (School) Year!   Although September 6, 2016 will probably not involve confetti, noisemakers, or a ball drop in Times Square, the first day of school is sure to bring the same sense of possibility and level of excitement that we experience each January 1. In that spirit, I would like to wish you a Happy New (School) Year, and encourage you to spend a bit of time talking with your child about his or her “resolutions” for 2016-2017.   However, while typical school “resolutions” might involve commitments like getting enough sleep, eating a healthy breakfast, or coming up with nightly homework routines, I might suggest one additional “tip”:   Talk to your child about how learning happens.   You might be thinking—isn’t ...
NCS Sees Increase in Academic Achievement NCS Sees Increase in Academic Achievement Dear Members of the Naples School Community: This past year, a good friend of mine gave me a copy of Atul Gawande’s Better . Gawande is a talented surgeon and writer, and in his book, he talks about improving performance when resources are limited and problems are complex. While Better is focused on medicine, it contains principles that can be applied to most areas of life. In the “Afterword” of his text, Gawande gives a number of suggestions to his readers. Among them is the recommendation to, “count something.” Because we “count” a lot of information in schools, I wanted to take a minute to pass along some important news related to the recently released grades 3-8 Math and ELA test results. While NYS overall saw a +6.6% increase of students ...
Updates from the State Education Department Updates from the State Education Department Dear Naples School Community: The State Education Department Commissioner of Education has invited you to sign up to receive the latest updates from her office.  By subscribing to this list you will receive a monthly newsletter, News and Notes, and other important updates from Commissioner Elia and the State Education Department.   Please follow the directions to subscribe to the parent listserv: ·         Send an e-mail message to  LISTSERV@LISTSERV.NYSED.GOV ·         The body of the message must read:  SUBSCRIBE PARENTS <Your name > (example:  SUBSCRIBE PARENTS Matthew Frahm) ·         You will receive ...
Class of 2016 Graduation Video.  Congrats! Class of 2016 Graduation Video. Congrats! If you have trouble viewing the video below, try this link .
Maintaining Our School Facilities Maintaining Our School Facilities Dear Members of the Naples School Community: Our school facilities serve as a source of pride as well as a significant investment by our local community. In order to protect our investment and make sure that our students have safe and appropriate learning spaces, every five years we conduct something called a Building Condition Survey (BCS). The BCS examines all aspects of district facilities, including structural components, building systems such as heating, cooling and electrical, and outdoor areas such as parking lots, sidewalks and playing fields. Upon completion of the BCS, the collected data is submitted to the State Education Department and is used to help guide long-term capital plans. In recent months, NCS has partnered with SEI Design Group in order to complete our required ...
Smart Schools Investment Plan Overview Smart Schools Investment Plan Overview The Smart Schools Bond Act of 2014 was approved by NYS voters in November 2014. It allowed NYS authorization to borrow $2 billion, which Naples is allocated $616,762. The purpose of the act is to improve learning and opportunity by funding capital projects, such as high tech security features, wireless internet, and learning technology equipment. The amount allocated to Naples does not have to be spent in one school year. Please click here for more information about Naples Smart Schools Investment Plan Overview.
Community Update January 19, 2024 Community Update January 19, 2024
2023 Budget Vote Results 2023 Budget Vote Results I am pleased to share with you that the 2023-34 NCS school budget passed by a margin of 197-50.  We are deeply appreciative of the support the NCS community has and continues to provide our district. In addition, the EV Bus Proposition passed by a margin of 186-61. This will allow NCS to complete needed infrastructure which will allow us to move forth with our EV federal grant which was awarded last year. Rob Brautigam, Jacob Hall, and Kelley Louthan were all re-elected to the NCS school board.  We are very grateful for the continued leadership that Joe, Jake, and Kelley will provide our district.   The Naples Library budget passed by a margin of 197-49.  Linda Strauss-Jones and Pamela Steffen were elected to Naples Library Board ...
test test
NaplesCSD Musical Theater Production of Guys and Dolls NaplesCSD Musical Theater Production of Guys and Dolls

Naples Jr/Sr High Proudly Presents "Guys and Dolls" March 12 - 7:00 p.m. March 13 - 7:00 p.m. March 14 - 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.   Tickets are on sale in both buildings in the main office. $10 - Adults $8 - Students & Seniors This is first year that we have 3 full time directors on board and this production will be one of the best yet for sure!  We have also double cast the production, so there is one set of leads on Thursday night and Saturday afternoon, and another on Friday and Saturday night.    Guys and Dolls Cast List Nathan Detroit  - Charlie Grove/Griffin Frazer Adelaide  - Stella Frazer/Katey Lincoln Sky Masterson  ...

Happy Holidays from NCS! Happy Holidays from NCS! Dear NCS Parents and Guardians: From winter concerts to cooking baking, Operation Santa wrapping to ginger bread house decorating, it has been a busy month here in the Naples Central School District. However, when we take time to count our blessings this December, we count working with your child twice. It is a special privilege being part of this school community, and we thank you for entrusting us with the well-being of your sons and daughters.   On behalf of our Naples family, we wish you a happy holiday season and a wonderful New Year! Warmly, Matt Frahm, Superintendent  
Favorite Winter Books on FB Live Favorite Winter Books on FB Live Dear NCS Parents: With Holiday Break quickly approaching, we will be reading some of our favorite winter books on Facebook Live this coming Thursday (December 19) at 7:00 p.m. If your Elementary School student would like to listen, we would encourage them to put on their pajamas, grab a cup of hot chocolate, and check out our Naples Central School Facebook page later on this week! Wishing you and your families a wonderful Holiday Season. Matt Frahm and Kris Saucke  
Class of 2019 Videos Available Class of 2019 Videos Available Congratulations Class of 2019! Click below for videos of Naples CSD 2019 Graduation Part 1 (Graduation speakers and music) Part 2 (Awarding of diplomas)
Bus Garage Images from Luke Didion Bus Garage Images from Luke Didion Interested in viewing progress being made on the new NCS bus garage? Click HERE to see images taken by Luke Didion—NCS senior and owner of Finger Lakes Drone Services.  
NCS Student Sustainability Summit on Thursday, April 11th (7th grade PBL event) NCS Student Sustainability Summit on Thursday, April 11th (7th grade PBL event) Please join us for our 7th grade Project Based Learning (PBL) event, the NCS Student Sustainability Summit, on Thursday, April 11th in the High School. This event will look very similar to a student led conference day. Students will be presenting their sustainability projects in 5-10 minute long sessions. The event runs from 12:15-1:45 pm on the 11th. Join us for all or PART of the time.  See the attached flyer for more details. We would LOVE to have community members as well as family members attend this event. Come see the hard work done by this group of students! If you are interested in attending, please email Colleen Betrus at If you have questions, also contact Colleen Betrus.  We look forward to seeing you on the 11th. 

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